Denver Test Prep is committed to offering customized one-on-one tutoring programs and test prep courses to non-profit organizations at significantly discounted rates. We have worked extensively with non-profit organizations serving disadvantaged youth through our New York City office (NYC Test Prep) and are actively seeking non-profit partners in the Denver area. While each non-profit program is customized to meet the needs of the specific organization, our Summer Search program (described below) provides an example of the type of successful partnership we hope to replicate in the Denver area. If you are interested in partnering with Denver Test Prep or would like additional information on our services for non-profits, please contact us.

About Summer Search


The mission of Summer Search is to find resilient low-income high school students and inspire them to become responsible and altruistic leaders by providing year-round mentoring, life-changing summer experiences, college advising, and a lasting support network.

Our Partnership

During the 2011-2012 academic year, Summer Search students will receive over 750 hours of SAT prep through the following NYC Test Prep programs:

  • Fall Program: 1-on-1 tutoring for high school seniors retaking the SAT.
  • Spring Program: Intensive 10-week SAT prep program for high school juniors.

All programs are offered on-site at the Summer Search office.

Fall Program

The Fall SAT Prep Program aims to help high school seniors to improve their scores on the SAT and SAT Subject Tests through 1-on-1 tutoring sessions. Students selected for participation in this program commit to weekly tutoring sessions and a significant amount of homework completed out of class. Prospective students are nominated by Summer Search, with a particular focus on students that are:

  1. At risk of not being admitted to CUNY or SUNY schools due to low SAT scores.
  2. Competing for prestigious scholarships and/or admission to highly competitive schools.

Past participants have commonly achieved significant improvements in SAT scores and several students have been awarded prestigious scholarships, including the Gates Scholarship and Posse Scholarship.

Spring Program

This spring, 16 high school juniors will participate in the SAT Prep Program. As part of the intensive 10-week program, each student will receive over 45 hours of instruction including:

  • Weekly small group classes.
  • One-on-one tutoring sessions.
  • 4 full-length practice exams and detailed performance analysis.

Students selected for the program were nominated by Summer Search based on their potential to benefit from an SAT prep program, a lack of suitable SAT prep programs available at their school, and a willingness to sign a student contract committing to attend all program components.